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Dead in the Desert

'An open graveyard': Skeletal remains lie unrecovered in New Mexico's borderlands

  • Updated
  • 24
  • 13 min to read
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SANTA TERESA — The rosary hung from a branch of mesquite, its light blue beads swaying in the breeze.

The site was a few miles from the U.S.-Mexico border. It wasn’t far from paved roads, a truck stop, the city of El Paso.

But amid the sand and shrubs — all of them too short, too scrawny or too dense to offer any shelter — the populated world seemed to melt away.

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Abbey Carpenter stands in the knee-high desert shrubs under the noon sun in December as she searches for human remains in an area along the Mexico border in Santa Teresa.

Ada on Facebook

Armadillos Ni Un Migrante Menos, a California-based humanitarian organization, posted a missing person flyer on Facebook featuring Ada Guadalupe López Montoya in July 2023.

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Rosary beads hang in December at the spot where Ada Guadalupe López Montoya’s identification card was found alongside a cellphone and remains by Battalion Search and Rescue, which made the discovery in August.

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A teddy bear is found on the desert floor under a shrub where volunteers with Battalion Search and Rescue searched for human remains in the desert near Santa Teresa in January.

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James Holeman, co-founder of Battalion Search and Rescue, points to a femur and tibia bone in the desert near Santa Teresa along the Mexico border in December.

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Abbey Carpenter of Battalion Search and Rescue becomes emotional in December as she revisits a location near Santa Teresa where human remains were found and reported to authorities, but had yet to be retrieved.

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Human remains in the desert near Santa Teresa in January. Battalion Search and Rescue has discovered more than 200 sites with human remains in New Mexico and Arizona in the six years members have been searching.

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Abbey Carpenter finds a piece of identification on the desert floor as she searches for human remains near the Mexico border in Santa Teresa in December.

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Volunteers with Battalion Search and Rescue search for human remains in the desert near Santa Teresa in January.

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James Holeman of Battalion Search and Rescue examines personal belongings in the desert of Southern New Mexico along the border with Mexico in January.

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U.S. Custom and Border Protection agents guard the border on Mount Cristo Rey along the border between Ciudad Juárez, left, and Sunland Park in February. Searchers have discovered many sites with human remains on the plateau in the background.

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